E-mail mailto:rlawton@topsolid.us


To perpetuate the growth of our company with a team of associates dedicated to integrity, quality of service and continuous improvement, while providing the manufacturing industry with state of the art technologies to effectively compete in the dynamic global economy of the 21st century.


Integrated Solid Solutions LLC was founded by
Richard L. Lawton II.
His diverse background includes industry consultant, teacher, applications engineer, manufacturing supervisor, design engineer and programmer. In addition to his technical expertise, his strengths are integrity and dedication to quality and education.

Drawing examples from his wide range of experiences, Rick has adopted a philosophy built on honesty and integrity. Vowing to stand apart from his competition, he offers customers a fair deal from the very beginning, creating trust and respect for the long term relationship.

     Tel 860-675-6240  Fax 860-673-5862
E-mail mailto:rlawton@topsolid.us
     PO Box 2011
     Burlington, CT